Senior Services Hinsdale

Golden Age Assisted Living

5734 Thurlow St
Hinsdale , MA 60521
(630) 246-1968


Golden Age was established at a time when assisted living was still an untested and unknown concept. Back then, the only option for an individual requiring any kind of assistance, no matter how minor, was limited to nursing care. Even though many seniors did not require the extensive care provided in nursing homes, they nevertheless were placed in such institution because of the lack of any viable alternatives. While the intentions were good, the results more often than not were not. Nursing homes were not then, and are still not now, designed to provide care for individuals whose primary need does not involve medical related issues. Confining such persons with individuals who did require nursing care, was usually counterproductive to the emotional wellbeing of that individual. We have recognized this need back then and are proud to have been a leader in the field of assisted living ever since. Assisted living is the type of care that attends to the needs of an individual that include room and board as well as assistance with activities of daily living. These activities are defined as activities that exclude medical treatments and instead provide assistance with hygiene, laundry, meals, medication, companionship as well as other similar tasks. Assisted living has replaced the institutional model of nursing homes with the concept of extending an individual's ability to live in a non­institutional environment by providing the types of supportive services which would allow them to do just that. Once the idea of assisted living has been embraced by many institutions, the result has been the rapid development of facilities which promote a hotel style environment with the availability of the supportive services. These facilities often involve hundreds of seniors living under one roof. It is noteworthy to state that most, if not all such facilities, do an admirable job in providing proper and appropriate care for their patients. However, large crowds are not for everyone. Hence, we are proud to have recognized a newly evolving need of providing assisted living care on a much more personal basis. Rather than employ the campus and hotel style environments, we are offering our services in a single family setting that is limited to no more than eight individuals per location. Each of our residents is a treasured member of our small community rather than another constituent of a large population. As such, we are able to provide the type of physical assistance as well as emotional support that is not possible to the same extent at large facilities. Golden Age has been innovating assisted living for 30 years.

Golden Age Assisted Living can be found at 5734 Thurlow St . The following is offered: Senior Services - In Hinsdale there are 1 other Senior Services. An overview can be found here.


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Senior Services
(630)246-1968 (630)-246-1968 +16302461968

Map 5734 Thurlow St